“Food is Medicine” is a term which was originally coined by Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine; it was his belief that eating wholesome food is the basis for good health. Hippocrates said almost 2500 years ago “Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can heal the patient with food."


AL 984 – TULSI HONEY is 100% natural, filled with nectar collected from flowers of the Holy Basil (Tulsi) herb, is delicately mild and sweet with all goodness of TULSI. TULSI HONEY can be consumed in warm water, warm milk or green tea. With each sip you will experience new freashness, stamina and energy.


HONEY is strong IMMUNITY builder HONEY boost IMMUNE system how honey can fight CORONAVIRUS and provide immunity to your body


• HONEY protects and nourishes your SKIN

• HONEY has antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties help in HEALING
• HONEY Helps you in getting sound SLEEP consume 1-2 teaspoon ( 6-12g ) with WARM WATER OR MILK. Honey helps your brain release

MELATONIN, the hormone that your body uses to restore itself during sleep. This happens through a series of transformations in your brain:
honey’s sugars spike your insulin levels, releasing tryptophan, which becomes serotonin, and finally MELATONIN
• HONEY helps in lowering down the risk of HEART DISEASE – A wide range of phenolic constituents is present in honey like quercetin, caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), acacetin, kaempferol, galangin which have promising effect in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

•HONEY prevents ACID REFLUX – Honey is both antioxidant and free radical scavenging. Reflux may be caused in part by free radicals that damage cells lining the digestive tract. Honey may prevent damage by removing free radicals. Honey may work to reduce inflammation in the esophagus. Honey’s texture allows it to better coat the mucous membrane of the esophagus. This can contribute to longer-lasting relief. Relief from heartburn symptoms after consuming 6 ml (about one teaspoon) of plain honey.
• HONEY can REPLACE your white sugar

What Sadguru Maharaj says about honey:

Scientific Reference –  Prospects of honey in fighting against COVID-19:

Honey and its compounds are drawing attention as an effective natural therapy because of its ability to attenuate acute inflammation through enhancing immune response. Several studies have proved its potential healing capability against numerous chronic diseases/conditions, including pulmonary disorders, cardiac disorders, diabetes, hypertension, autophagy dysfunction, bacterial, and fungal infections. More importantly, honey has proved its virucidal effect on several enveloped viruses such as HIV, influenza virus, herpes simplex, and varicella-zoster virus. Honey may be beneficial for patients with COVID-19 which is caused by an enveloped virus SARS-CoV-2 by boosting the host immune system, improving comorbid conditions, and antiviral activities.