“Food is Medicine” is a term which was originally coined by Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine; it was his belief that eating wholesome food is the basis for good health. Hippocrates said almost 2500 years ago “Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can heal the patient with food."


AL 990 VIRGIN COCONUT OIL Virgin oil is extracted from coconut milk got from fresh coconuts. Then it undergoes several processes like fermentation, churning (centrifugal separation), refrigeration and the enzyme actions after this oil is parted from moisture.
The raw materials and process of extraction of virgin oil do not allow any usage of heat. It is pure edible oil. Virgin coconut oil has greater antioxidant levels with a stronger, sweeter taste. Virgin coconut oil contains only medium-chain saturated fatty acids and it is free from Trans Fats.

Health Benefits:

Virgin coconut oil has a unique taste and cologne which is heaped with a whopping amount of essential fatty acids and antioxidants. It deeply moisturizes your skin, promotes skin renewal and restores lost moisture. This liquid gold provides you with a host of medicinal and therapeutic properties.

1. WEIGHT CONTRL – Virgin Coconut Oil is useful for helping one lose weight in terms of metabolism. VCO contains medium chain triglycerides, which is initially digested or processed in the body from carbohydrates that can cut back hunger. Thus, it causes people to consume less carbohydrates, which eventually reduces body weight
2. Improves Cholesterol Levels, increasing HDL, and decreasing LDL.
3. Reduces body fat, especially visceral fat that causes heart diseases.
4. Regulates blood sugar levels, controlling cravings for sweets.
5. Improves calcium and magnesium absorption capacity of the body.
6. Helps slow the progression of Alzheimer’s, a possible outcome of type 3 diabetes.
7. IMMUNITY BOOSTER – Building IMMUNITY against microbes like bacteria, fungai, and viruses: Lauric acid from Virgin coconut oil – almost 53% which get converted in to MONOLAURIN, the antimicrobial – antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal effects of monolaurin could act as a boost to the immune system.

Scientific References:

Compared with coconut oil and palm oil, virgin coconut oil (VCO) has a higher content of lauricacid and lactic acid bacteria. Nevertheless, based on the content of water, free fatty acid and iodinenumber, VCO has other features in the field of health because it has lactic acid bacteria that can kill pathogens, characterizing it as an antimicrobial, in contrast to coconut and palm oil. The lauric acid content of the VCO is the highest (54.06%) compared to the lauric acid content of coconut oil (0.45%) and palm oil (0%). Having a high acid number, 1.10165, and high saponification number and iodine number demonstrate the characteristic of VCO, as it contains lauric acid with small molecules, which are medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). In the future, a more specialized assessment needs to be done, especially in the economic field to examine whether VCO is more appropriate as a fuel alternative or as an antimicrobial.